Orange Runner's Club

Back by Popular Demand for 2024!!!!!

1000+ Miles Club & 100+ Miles Racing Club

Interested In trying something different? How about accomplishing 1000+ miles and/or doing 100+ miles in various races during the calendar year?

The only thing that you would have to do is keep track of your mileage—training or racing & get the completed totals to me January 7, 2025.  (If you want, get the info to me -- --by the fifteenth of the following month & they will be posted in The Sweat Gazette. Obliviously they will be a couple of months behind.) Below are the few rules for participating in the challenge.

Recognition for the 1000+ Miles Club can be earned by any Orange Runners Club member who logs 1000+ miles running/walking for training and/or fitness reasons. (Daily steps for everyday things like going to the mailbox or grocery shopping do not count.)

The 100+ Miles Racing Club can be earned by any Orange Runners Club member by counting miles you did running or race walking in an official race, that is, one in which you received a bib number. Virtual race miles count as long as you signed up for that particular race event. (You may also count your race miles toward the 1000+ Mile Challenge.)

  • List running miles separately from walking miles, and a total of both together.
  • There will be two lists—one just 1000 miles and the other for 100 miles racing.
  • At the end of the year you are encouraged to send your info in, even if you did not reach the goal of 1000+ miles or 100 miles racing.

Everyone will be listed in The Club results.

There is no cost or obligation to enter the 1000+ Miles Club or the 100+ Miles Racing Club. This is something you are doing to challenge yourself.

1000+ Miles Club & 100+ Miles Racing Club Submissions


Amy Babicz 95.9 miles Sean Mayer 712.4 miles
Tony Batko 977.4 miles Sue Mayer 757.6 miles
Kate Collins 563.7 miles Joel Murns 1234.2 miles
Kimberly Eherts 659.4 miles Harry Owens 309.7 miles
Bill Gaa 710.0 miles Caitlin Roselli  297.5 miles
Dane Groszek   679.1 miles     Justin Rosellli   1259.0 miles
Linda Hulse 550.4 miles Billy Schmalzriedt 1016.8 miles
Mike Grosso 1145.0 miles Ru Shodai 1037.9 miles
Meg Geist 330.2 miles Robert Schreier 629.8 miles
Adam Insler 922.0 miles Teresa Stanton 710.7 miles

Completed by racing--

Amy Babicz   12.4 miles Sean Mayer   181.0 miles
Tony Batko 185.8 miles Sue Mayer      177.9 miles
Kate Collins 15.5 miles Martin Nowak 163.4 miles
Kathleen Davies 70.2 miles  Harry Owens 21.7 miles
Kimberly Eherts 23.3 miles Justin Roselli   89.0 miles
Bill Gaa 37.2 miles Caitlin Roselli 19.0 miles
Dane Groszek 181.0 miles Billy Schmalzriedt  57.5 miles
Mike Grosso 58.7  miles Robert Schreier 38.1 miles
Linda Hulse 64.5 miles Ru Shodai 199.1 miles
Adam Insler 47.3 miles Teresa Stanton 53.3 miles




1000+ Miles Club & 100+ Miles Racing Club

No Fee, Runs all year


1000+ Miles Club and 100+ Miles Racing Club
Bill Gaa
(570) 445-9551

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Orange Runners Club

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